kallianpurdotcom: 23/11/23
– By Owen Rodrigues.
Milagres, Kallianpur has been acclaimed for its fine choir. Following Portuguese tradition promoted liturgical singing of high order. The choir (Schola Cantorum) with a master trained in Sol-Fa system. This was 1887 in history however in 1907, Mr. Ignatius P Lewis the then sacristan received intensive training from Goan maestros, mastered violin and organ. Besides he was blessed with sonorous voice. He was joined by two violinists Gaspar and Billu Lewis, Raymond Rebello another violinist playing double bass, Rev. Fr. Gregory Lobo an organist accompanied by prominent singers interestingly all Lores Lewises So there was kudru Lores Lewis a Tenor Soloist, Don Lores Lewis speaks only Do re mi, Bari kudru Lores Lewis for his sweet contralto, Kundot Ghot (strong) Lores Lewis a deep bass singer, Coongu Lores Lewis for his ringing silvery voice. Then there was ‘peccata’ John Salvadore Lewis for his very high note peccata of the ‘Gloria’ which few could reach. Then there was Luke Crasta, Simon D’souza, John Cardoza of Tonse, Xavier Lewis of Uppoor, Rosario Lewis of Baikady were superb contraltos and Camil Quadros of Moodukudru and Marcel R Lewis were both bass singers. The choir then was of real high standard. Of a later period, there were Msgr William Lewis. Fr. Peter D’Sa, Fr. Dominic Lewis, Valentine Lewis, Victor Lewis, James Lewis, Lawrence A Lewis, Peter C Lewis and Charles E G Lewis (original writer of this article). There were many priests and others interested in music who used to come from far off places to hear and see the choir performing on festive occasions. Mr. Peter C Lewis took over the choir for conducting during the retiring years of Mr. Ignatius P Lewis.
When Rev. Fr. A J Tellis came to Kallianpur a new era began. He was a music enthusiast, a composer by himself. Hence with his arrival in Kallianpur there came the sudden outburst of full-throated singing and music in Church. He was always ready with new hymns however the tradition of old choir was carried forward. On the Lenten days tenor voices of Cyril Barnes and bass singing of Ladru Crasto were distinctly heard.
On retirement of Fr. A J Tellis, the choir comprised of Rev. Fr. Robert Lewis, Miss. Sybil Lewis an organist, Mr. Valentine Lewis leader, Sisters of Apostolic Carmel and Ursuline Sisters also joined.
Then there were A J D’Silva, Charles V Lewis, Hilary Dsouza, Joseph Vaz, Paul P Vaz, Frank Lewis, Calistus D’Souza, Vincent D’Silva, Sylvester Lewis, Mrs. Veronica Lewis and Miss Leena Crasta and many others who sang for the choir.
Rev. Fr. Valerian Mendonca the versatile new Asst. Priest then has taken over the choir, a musician/composer himself of no mean calibre has great aptitude in playing instruments, brought new life to the choir with interest and effort. Having an excellent and graceful voice himself he has trained up a great number of young folks not only in singing but also in playing the guitar in spite of the busy parish schedule. Later Rev. Fr. Xavier Pinto Vicar and Parish Priest who is also a composer and singer trained the congregation for Missal Singing and Hymns just before masses. Under their guidance and training many have become good singers and musicians.
Hence Milagres Choir was euphonious and will continue to remain for years to come.
Thanks Owen for the informative article. Brought back sweet memories.