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– By Hilda D’Silva, Kallianpur.
“A great soul serves everyone all the time. A great soul never dies. It brings us together again and again”. Words of Maya Angelou, very apt for our dear Fr Valerian Mendonca, who celebrates his 75th birthday in heaven on 9th December 2024. Dear Fr. Mendonca lives in our hearts. How I wish he was here with us to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee of his life, which the parish planned, celebrating the beginning of his 75th year in Tri-centenary Hall, a year back. A saintly figure with an angelic smile was present among us that day. Today, Fr Mendonca is very much alive in our hearts and minds, but a vacuum is created by his physical disappearance. Goodness, kindness personified, he joins the group of very few personalities who left behind footprints, never to be erased on the sands of time.
It was the year 1980, month of April, when I, along with my parents took my son Stephen for baptism on April 15th. We had a glimpse of a young, tall, handsome priest, our new Assistant Priest ready to administer the sacrament of baptism. It was such a joyful encounter with Fr Mendonca, ‘Amcho Padryab’, an integral part of our lives. A musician, a singer, a leader, Fr Mendonca was a guide to the youth and a great gift to the parish with Rev. Fr. Da Cruz at the helm. Those were the days filled with religious sentiments, love, laughter and joy.
Fr. Mendonca, like Fr. Gonsalves spent the fruitful years of his life in Milagres Kallianpur as an Assistant Parish Priest, a lecturer, Vice Principal, Principal and finally the Rector of Milagres Cathedral. Father was destined to be here in the cemetery of the Cathedral. Never in our wildest dreams did we imagine Father lying in this state in Milagres Cathedral. Grabbed from us by Mother Mary to lead the choir amidst angels.
A rare personality with a golden heart, so full of love to one and all irrespective of status, caste, creed and language. A priest of God, in his white cassock attended functions, festivals, celebrations of Christians, Hindus and Muslims. Wherever he went, he spread joy and affection. How apt are the words of Mother Theresa to the life of our late rector. “Spread love wherever you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.” Yes, it was a joy to meet Fr. Mendonca, who welcomed one and all with a bright smile, listened and shared without being impatient or restless. People left him experiencing so much kindness and affection. A priest of god who conveyed the feeling that we could share any secret with him without the least hesitation.
A choir master with his accordion leading a choir of more than 300 singers at the inception of Udupi Diocese, by his sudden departure left the diocese very poor. Now it is only memories. Agreeing fully with Helen Keller, “The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.”
Fr Valerian Mendonca was my principal. A great teacher, a perfectionist and a lover of youth, he touched the hearts of his students. Never angry in his life, he won the hearts of youth by his calmness and smile which sometimes irritated us, his staff. At the funeral of Fr Mendonca, his former students whom we had not met in decades, in the midst of torrential rains, paid their loving tribute to his noble soul. How can we ever forget the years spent with you dear Father. You will live forever in our hearts till we meet again.
Dear Father, death was just a transition to you from this temporary home to your permanent abode. You left behind so many emotions – of grief, a deep sense of loss, regrets and above all, a desire to see you again.
Days have passed, months have just flown but the vacuum created just cannot be filled. You loved Jim Reeves
”Across the bridge, there’s no more sorrow
Across the bridge, there’s no more pain
The sun will shine across the river
And you’ll never be unhappy again”
Yes Father, you are in that land of happiness. With a heart filled with sorrow, resigned to the will of the Almighty, I wish you a very happy birthday in heaven. Do look upon us and send your blessings. Thank you for leaving behind lots of love, empathy and kindness for us to emulate.
A great loving and touching tribute madam Hilda. We miss our beloved brother a loving bappu an affectionate mam a gracious father aba and a role model for all. May God grant him eternal bliss and may he intercede for al of us.
Thank you Ms. Hilda for your kind words and thoughts. I’m deeply touched by your tribute to my uncle Fr. Valerian Mendonca! He was a remarkable individual, and I will cherish the memories I have of him. May his soul rest in peace.