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Infant Jesus Ward, Mount Rosary Church, celebrate their patron’s Feast on 14th January, 2024.

By January 15, 2024News
kallianpurdotcom: 9741001849
Reported By: P. Archibald Furtado.

Udupi: It was a routine and regular affair to pray and honour Infant Jesus, by observing nine days Novena, since this Infant Jesus ward was crafted out in 2014, and all families joined together to thank Almighty Lord.

A Thanks giving High Mass was offered in the Church at 8.00 am celebrated by the Parish Priest Mount Rosary Church, Rev. Dr. Roque DSouza and the day’s responsibilities of the liturgy was shared by the ward members.

The Ward Get Together was given start at 11 am, with special prayers, Ward report presented to the audience by Mrs Catharine Baretto, annual receipts and payments account by Mrs Apoline DSouza, whereas Mrs Myrtle Lewis conducted spot and other games for all participants.  Names were nominated to serve in various parish commissions / 20 Ayogs were confirmed, once the concerned members consented to serve over here in 2024.

What followed was the cultural Programme, which included a welcome dance, songs, spot games, riddles etc wherein the entire Ward family participated enthusiastically with heart and soul in the entire proceedings.

At around 12.00 Noon, a short stage programme was held  at the well decorated venue – the ‘Silver Hawk’, the residence of the sponsor of the event Mrs Elizabeth Fernandes and the chief Guests of the day Rev. Dr. Roque  DSouza, the parish priest, Rev Fr Oliver Nazareth the Asst Parish priest, Mr. Luke DSouza Vice President of the Parish Pastoral Council and Mrs Daisy Mendonca, Convenor of 20 Ayogs, Head Mistress of Mount Rosary High School Sr. Ancilla DMello, guest sisters from  Goretti SRA Convent and others were escorted to the dais by Gurkar Mr Richard DSouza and  Mrs Emilda Olivera Ward Representative in Pastoral Council, and formally Mrs Philomena Quadrus welcomed all distinguished guests and were offered roses by gurkar Richard DSouza and Mrs Elizabeth Fernandes to acknowledge their august presence and all the ward members, family members and well-wishers for their involvement and participation. Brief prayer session was held and Fr Oliver Nazareth shared insightful thoughts on Gospel reading.

Mr Arun Menezes emcee for the event, meticulously handled the entire proceedings.

Each feast has a theme in the past few years and this year it was to respect the ‘Elders in the family’. At the ward level senior parishioners, who were plus 75 years numbering around 12 of them were honoured on this special occasion. Mr P Archibald Furtado gave a brief introduction of these veterans and octogenarians’ to the audience – with their achievements, special contribution to the Church and Society. It was a thrilling moment as 95 years Retired IAF Officer Mr Salvador Barnes made his appearance… and all gave a standing ovation to pour their love and respects.  All the senior people were draped with traditional shawl and were given gift hampers’ and roses with memento.

  1. Mr Salvador Santana Barnes – 95
  2. Mrs Pascaline DSouza – 88
  3. Prof Ligoury Aranha -81
  4. Mrs Dorothy Flossy Lewis – 78
  5. Mrs Stephaney DMello – 79
  6. Mr Lazarus Quadras 75
  7. Mr Benedict Anthony Menezes – 88
  8. Mrs Grace Pinto – 85
  9. Mrs Mary Lewis – 82
  10. Mr Lawrence Roche – 84
  11. Ms Gladys Fernandes – 89
  12. Mrs Victoria Hilda DSilva – 77

On behalf of the Ward, Mrs Elizabeth Fernandes and family too was honoured with shawl, bouquet of flowers and memento by the Guests and Ward leaders.

Earlier, it was truly an emotional moment to remember the five ward members who left to heavenly abode in 2023 viz, William DMello, Edwin Machado, Simon Castelino and Elsie Aranha and Francis Fernandes and were paid rich tributes by calling out their contribution in various forms to the ward, Church and society at large.

Rev. Dr. Roque DSouza the Vicar of Mount Rosary Church, extended festal Greetings to all ward Members present, at homes, and those serving elsewhere and couldn’t be able to make it to attend the function. In his congratulatory address to the ward leaders and achievers, expressed his happiness and contentment to see the unity, togetherness and co festiveness in Infant Jesus Ward.

He took the opportunity to extend special compliments to all the 12 seniors who were recognised for their yeomen service on this day and wished them all happiness, good health and peace of mind.

Housie was the game, brought whole gathering to their toes. Winners of various games were presented with gifts and prizes.

Gurkar Richard DSouza proposed vote of thanks to call out the services, contribution, sacrifices during the Nine days Novena, Holy Thanks giving Mass in the Church and all who contributed in different means and volumes to present this grand finale.

Grace was showered on food and thanking Almighty Lord led by Sr Ancilla DMello.  A delicious food was the special attraction for the day, cherished by one and all.

Laudate was sung after all had their dinner to express gratitude’s for this blissful ward feast day.

Dance and music was followed after the lunch and for all it was a day to remember and relish.

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